How to earn more from your wedding photography ?

case study - 6 min readizzipix

You've already been paid for your wedding photography, but we want to suggest you earn even more. Ask the newlyweds, what is the most common question they get from guests the day after the wedding? The answer is "when can I see the photos ?"

Some wedding photographers believe that the bride or groom should be featured in every photo because they paid for the wedding photo shoot.But these photos only convey a fraction of the day's events. Most photographers will probably tell you that you're not fully documenting the wedding event if you don't go to the periphery and capture the sub-plots of the wedding day - the unique stories of the guests enjoying the festivities. The Izzipix platform is designed for you to help you make money including guest photos.

A wedding is a great occasion for guests to dress up nicely, make festive make-up and generally be in a good mood. The desire of guests at the wedding to get into the lens of the photographer is natural, they do not even need to be persuaded, because they diligently prepared to look attractive. An open question remains about how to sell guests their personal photos and earn on it in addition to the fee that you have already received from the newlyweds.

Perhaps you as a photographer have thought about it, but realised the complexity of the process and refused to implement it. The IzziPix platform offers you a ready-made solution for free. Imagine that you only need 3 simple steps to realise this idea:


The first thing is to photograph as many guests at the wedding as possible. Get an assistant or a second photographer to take more shots with your guests.More shots = more sales.


When photographing the next guest or a whole group of guests, give them a pre-prepared universal access code to the online shop with their photos and other photo products.The universal access code can be downloaded in your online photographer's office in the IzziPix platform before the wedding.


The same day in the evening, upload the entire reportage with wedding guests to the IzziPix platform. Before uploading, you will remove some shots with obvious defects such as closed eyes, lack of sharpness or identical shots. At this stage, the photos do not need to be retouched.

If you look closely at these 3 simple steps you'll realise that you're already doing them in one form or another. You're already photographing guests, you're already interacting with guests, you're always uploading your photos to cloud storage - essentially nothing changes, but from now on you start earning a lot more by selling personalised photos to guests through the IzziPix platform!

Working as a photographer with the IzziPix platform offers the following benefits:

  1. Market expansion: The IzziPix platform allows photographers to effectively monetise their work at wedding events and attract new customers. This opens up new opportunities to increase revenue and expand your customer base.

  2. Increased work efficiency: Using automatic participant identification and photo processing allows photographers to focus on the shooting process itself, minimising mundane tasks such as manual photo sorting and identification.

  3. Ability to provide a convenient service: Thanks to the IzziPix platform, clients have quick and easy access to their photos, the ability to select and order hard copies or electronic versions. This increases client satisfaction and builds their trust in the photographer.

  4. Simplified ordering and delivery process: The online ordering system and automatic payment processing make it easy to take orders and ensure their delivery to customers, minimising the time and effort involved in order processing.

  5. Enhanced monetisation opportunities: The IzziPix platform offers photographers not only to sell individual photos, but also to provide additional services such as creating photo albums, printing on gift items and other products. This allows photographers to expand their product offerings and increase potential revenue.

Now let's take a detailed look at how it works

  1. Before you arrive at the wedding, you need to go to the photographer's office to create a new but not yet published photo session and print out a universal access code. This code is slightly larger than a business card. Specify how many copies of the code you will need (usually by the number of guests + a little extra), print out the codes and cut in advance into cards. On the card you can see the code of the photo session, the address of the online photo shop and a QR code for easy authorisation via your phone.

  2. During the photo session, give each guest a card with a code immediately after you have photographed them. When handing out the card, tell them that tomorrow morning they can go to the website specified in the card to view their photos and purchase photo products. You can offer the guest to take a picture of the card with the access code on your phone, as in the heat of the wedding ceremony it is easy to lose anything, including the card with the code.

  3. In the evening, after the shoot, filter out photos with obvious defects such as closed eyes, lack of sharpness or identical frames. Upload the remaining photos to the previously created photo shoot in the IzziPix platform and change the status of the photo shoot to "Published"

  4. Early in the morning, the most impatient guests will go to the address of the online shop indicated in the card. In the login form they will be asked to enter the code of the photo shoot and to attach their selfie. Izzipix platform identifies the guest by selfie and will find all his/her personal photos from the wedding. Thus, the guest will see in the online shop only those shots on which there is his/her face. Thus we exclude the situation when guests can complain that their photos were seen by someone else, because the pictures may be too personal or frank.

  5. Further, the process of purchasing photos by guests is like in an ordinary online shop, but your participation at this stage ends. You can proceed to the next photo shoot or just relax and observe in the platform reports how much extra you were able to earn from this event.

  6. Online shop: In addition to photos, customers are offered to purchase a variety of photo products - photo albums, canvases, mugs and so on. The system sells goods at predetermined recommended prices, but you have the opportunity to change them for each photo shoot. The platform deducts a commission of 10% of the sale amount.

  7. Payment: Customers can pay for orders by bank card or through online banks. The bank processing fee is 2.90% of the payment amount + 0.30 EUR for card transactions and a flat fee of 0.55 EUR for online banking transactions. The bank commission is deducted by the IzziPix platform from the total payment amount and paid to the banks.

  8. Photo Retouching: Once the client has paid for their order, you are asked to download and retouch only the photos that have been purchased by the guests. The amount of retouching and colour correction required depends on the quality of the photo shoot. You can also order retouching service from the platform at the price of 0.40 EUR for each unique sold shot.

  9. Production of photos and products: After photo retouching, the ordered items go to production, sorting and packaging. This process takes from 1 to 7 days depending on the volume of orders. Sorting and packing service fee of 0.45 EUR per order includes all packing materials.

  10. Delivery process: After sorting and packing, orders are delivered to the parcel machine. The cost of delivery to the parcel machine is charged to the customer, standard price 2.90EUR per shipment.

  11. Photographer's Earnings: The IzziPix platform offers photographers wholesale prices on products, which allows you to earn more even on small orders. You can get extra income without any investment, as IzziPix does not require a subscription fee to use the platform. You can view the amount of your premium in your cabinet and order a payment to your credit card or bank account. Various sales reports are also available in your cabinet.